Based in Los Gatos, CA, JellyFish Flame gels are carbon negative, aesthetic fireplace solutions made with post-industrial products, recycled packaging, and sustainable plant-based ingredients.
Beyond Fireplace
- Modern and multi-unit construction usually do not offer fireplaces.
- Demand for aesthetic, eco-friendly fireplaces continues to grow globally.
- Local and uniform fire codes limit fireplaces in new construction.
- Air quality regulations like ”SPARE THE AIR” limit traditional wood fires in homes.
Source of Light
- Jellyfish in nature emit beautiful light through bioluminescence.
- Jellyfish Flame mimics these natural living organisms.
- Jellyfish generates this beautiful light using sustainable post industrial content.
Health Impact
Recently it has been discovered that jellyfish in medicine can result in positive health effects. The tranquil light of Jellyfish Flame will help you improve your mood, while the slight warmth provides soothing ambiance.